
The Emergent Digital Media class exper­i­ments with recent forms of image and sound gen­er­a­tion using Machine Learning-based process­es or 3D sim­u­la­tions. We work with game engines, video mix­ers and gen­er­a­tive image process­es. One focus is the crit­i­cal ques­tion­ing of one’s own resources and a the­o­ret­i­cal foun­da­tion of one’s own media use.

Based in media the­o­ry, we inves­ti­gate the polit­i­cal econ­o­my of dig­i­tal media, their func­tion as instru­ments of sur­veil­lance and pro­pa­gan­da, and their pos­si­ble sus­tain­able use with regard to their ener­gy and raw mate­r­i­al con­sump­tion, e.g. through the con­sis­tent avoid­ance of pro­pri­etary stacks and infra­struc­tures.


Nov 5, 2024, 10–18

Conference: If AI is the answer – what was the ques­tion again?

Elisa Giardina Papa, Orit Halpern, Francis Hunger, Vladan Joler, Kevin B. Lee, RYBN, Felix Stalder, Hito Steyerl

more …

Dec 3, 2024 9.30–17.00

Conference: Dronomation

Olga Danylyuk, Francis Hunger, Svitlana Matviyenko, Dani Ploeger, Lucy Suchman, Elke Schwarz, Hito Steyerl

more …

Former Events (Archive)

Programme overview

The pro­gramme con­sists of par­tic­i­pa­tion in class activ­i­ties, work­shops, lec­tures, prac­tice and the­o­ry sem­i­nars. Further, you’ll need to attend art his­to­ry and phi­los­o­phy class­es and cours­es in the study work­shops (Studienwerkstätten). The class activ­i­ties also fea­ture field trips to exhi­bi­tions and fes­ti­vals, an annu­al class field trip and sym­po­sium, gar­den­ing and social get togeth­ers.

Current media are com­plex assem­blages and their com­plex­i­ties require emer­gent group prac­tices rather than indi­vid­u­al­ized artis­tic posi­tions. Therefore, beyond the pro­vid­ed activ­i­ties, class mem­bers are strong­ly encour­aged to cre­ate their own com­mu­nal and group activ­i­ties and add to the offi­cial study pro­gram.


Hito Steyerl
film­mak­er and writer

Francis Hunger
artist and media schol­ar www.irmielin.org

For all inquiries con­tact: francis.hunger@adbk.mhn.de


2024: Roland Meyer, Amanda Wasielewski, Björn Ommer, Volker Möllenhoff

Further infor­ma­tion …