Apply to the Emergent Digital Media class!

For ques­tions please con­tact Francis Hunger:

Individual Consultations: Unfortunately, we do not offer indi­vid­ual con­sul­ta­tions beyond the offi­cial port­fo­lio con­sul­ta­tion appoint­ments, as there are too many requests and we want to con­cen­trate on work­ing with the stu­dents in the class.

Regular stu­dent appli­ca­tions for 9‑semester diplo­ma stud­ies are pos­si­ble for the win­ter semes­ter start­ing in October 2025, infor­ma­tion below.

Guests: During the next semes­ter we also wel­come you as guest stu­dent, a change of degree with­in AdBK (‘Studiengangswechsel’), or as Erasmus incom­ing stu­dents. Please note the capac­i­ty is lim­it­ed, infor­ma­tion below.


1. Cover letter/statement max 1 page A4 (i.e. Why do you want to study in this spe­cif­ic class? What will you con­tribute to the class?)

2. A4 Portfolio (10–15 images of work, option­al­ly with 2‑sentences descrip­tion, for videos please include click­able online link e.g. on Vimeo)

3. Tabular CV

4. One uni­fied PDF file A4, no larg­er than 8 MB, with the file name accord­ing to the fol­low­ing pat­tern: Last Name_First Name_Application_EmergentDigitalMedia.pdf

Winter Semester 2025/26

October 15, 2025 – February 7, 2026

Next appli­ca­tions are pos­si­ble in spring 2025

Diploma studies

9 semes­ters

  1. Please inform your­self about the eli­gi­bil­i­ty require­ments on our web­site (sec­tion ‘Candidates’).
  2. Send the PDF port­fo­lio for the port­fo­lio con­sul­ta­tion appoint­ment (strong­ly rec­om­mend­ed even if you are expe­ri­enced with port­fo­lios) to (sub­ject “Mappenberatung”): No lat­er than April 2
  3. Based on the sub­mit­ted port­fo­lio, you will receive rec­om­men­da­tions for par­tic­i­pa­tion in the fur­ther pro­ce­dure
  4. If you apply: Send the print­ed A4 port­fo­lio and appli­ca­tion form by post to the uni­ver­si­ty: dead­line for postal deliv­ery: May 15. Please read the infor­ma­tion on the pro­ce­dure ( and use the appli­ca­tion por­tal (‘Bewerbungsportal’), where you also find the appli­ca­tion form.
  5. Approximately 4–8 weeks after sub­mis­sion you will receive a reply from the AdBK Student Administration Office. We kind­ly ask you to refrain from con­tact­ing us before­hand.

Guest student

up to 1 Semester

  1. Deadline: December 31, 2024
  2. Please inform your­self about the eli­gi­bil­i­ty require­ments on our web­site (sec­tion on can­di­dates)
  3. Please send the PDF port­fo­lio to (sub­ject line: “guest stu­dent”) in good time so that it can be viewed by Prof. Steyerl. Please dou­ble check the Portfolio infor­ma­tion above.
  4. Read the fol­low­ing page and also send the form “Antrag auf Gaststudium” as PDF:
  5. If you are accept­ed, you will receive the signed form back and for­ward it dig­i­tal­ly to the student’s office Please also note the fur­ther pro­ce­dure (tuition fees) as described under the link above

Change of class (within AdBK Freie Kunst) – Klassenwechsel

  1. Deadline: December 31, 2024
  2. Please inform your­self about the eli­gi­bil­i­ty require­ments on our web­site (sec­tion on can­di­dates)
  3. Please send the PDF port­fo­lio to in good time (sub­ject line: “Klassenwechsel”) so that it can be viewed by Prof. Steyerl. Please dou­ble check the Portfolio infor­ma­tion above.
  4. Together with the port­fo­lio please send the form “Antrag auf Klassenwechsel” as PDF:‑studium.html?download=320:antrag-klassenwechsel
  5. Based on the port­fo­lio, we invite you to a short inter­view (via Zoom).
  6. If accept­ed, you will receive the signed form back and for­ward it dig­i­tal­ly to the Student Administration Office

Incoming ERASMUS

Please fol­low the pro­ce­dure as described here: (Portfolio as described above)

Generelly we accept Erasmus exchange stu­dents for one semes­ter, but places are very lim­it­ed. Our work­ing lan­guage in class is inter­na­tion­al English. Additional cours­es, such as in the the­o­ry depart­ment usu­al­ly get taught in German.