Regular student applications for 9‑semester diploma studies are possible in spring 2025 for the winter semester starting in October 2025, information below.
Guests: Each semester we welcome you as guest student, for a change of degree within AdBK (‘Studiengangswechsel’), or as Erasmus incoming student.
For questions please contact Francis Hunger:
Individual Consultations: Unfortunately, we do not offer individual consultations beyond the official portfolio consultation appointments that are part of the regular application process. For guest students we do not offer portfolio reviews. We apologize in advance as there are too many requests and we want to concentrate on working with the students in the class.
1. Cover letter/statement max 1 page A4 (i.e. Why do you want to study in this specific class? What will you contribute to the class?)
2. A4 Portfolio (10–15 images of work, optionally with 2‑sentences description, for videos please include clickable online link e.g. on Vimeo)
3. Tabular CV
4. One unified PDF file A4, no larger than 8 MB, with the file name according to the following pattern: Last Name_First Name_Application_EmergentDigitalMedia.pdf
Winter Semester 2025/26
October 15, 2025 – February 7, 2026
Next applications Deadline: March 30, 2025
Diploma studies
9 semesters
- Please inform yourself about the eligibility requirements on our website (section ‘Candidates’).
- Send the PDF portfolio to (subject “Mappenberatung”): Deadline March 30
- Based on the submitted portfolio, you will receive recommendations for participation in the further procedure within a few weeks
- If you apply: Send the printed A4 portfolio and application form by post to the university. Please read the information on the procedure ( and use the application portal (‘Bewerbungsportal’), where you also find the application form.
- Approximately 4–8 weeks after submission you will receive a reply from the AdBK Student Administration Office. We kindly ask you to refrain from contacting us beforehand.
Guest student
up to 1 Semester
- Deadline: March 30, 2025
- Please inform yourself about the eligibility requirements on our website (section on candidates)
- Please send the PDF portfolio to (subject line: “guest student”) in good time so that it can be viewed by Prof. Steyerl. Please double check the Portfolio information above.
- Read the following page and also send the form “Antrag auf Gaststudium” as PDF:
- If you are accepted, you will receive the signed form back and forward it digitally to the student’s office Please also note the further procedure (tuition fees) as described under the link above
Change of class (within AdBK Freie Kunst) – Klassenwechsel
- Deadline: March 30, 2025
- Please inform yourself about the eligibility requirements on our website (section on candidates)
- Please send the PDF portfolio to in good time (subject line: “Klassenwechsel”) so that it can be viewed by Prof. Steyerl. Please double check the Portfolio information above.
- Together with the portfolio please send the form “Antrag auf Klassenwechsel” as PDF:‑studium.html?download=320:antrag-klassenwechsel
- Based on the portfolio, we invite you to a short interview (via Zoom).
- If accepted, you will receive the signed form back and forward it digitally to the Student Administration Office
Incoming ERASMUS
Please follow the procedure as described here: (Portfolio as described above)
Generelly we accept Erasmus exchange students for one semester, but places are very limited. Our working language in class is international English. Additional courses, such as in the theory department usually get taught in German.