Information for Students

Content: Candidates | Faculty | Guests | Who is the program aimed at | Study structure


We are looking for candidates with:

  • a serious interest in digital technology, i.e. programming knowledge or at least advanced knowledge of 3D, sound or video technologies through the lense of visual art.
  • eagerness to deal with theory (i.e. read books!)
  • a strong social interest and the willingness to actively contribute to the class’s joint research work and community
  • preference is given to candidates with previous engagement with natural or social sciences and/or professional experience (of any kind)
  • mandatory artistic/craft internship (The pre-study internship consists of practical work for at least 8 weeks. To meet our profile, this includes computer programming or media-related internships. If you have already completed a craft or artistic apprenticeship, the pre-study internship is not needed.)

Applications directly after graduating from high school are possible, but not actively recommended.

Who is the program aimed at?

The program is aimed at students in all their diversity: artists, programmers, tinkerers, community builders and researchers interested in the most recent media practices.

Together with you we’ll develop a broad area of practices, connected to an international community of artists and researchers in the field of emerging and traditional media practices and discourses. The programme will also discuss basics survival hacks for becoming a working artist or cultural worker.

This includes permanent research and figuring out on practical, theoretical and psychological levels.

The programme is not aimed at selfobsessed geniusses, and people unable to maintain a functional communal studio space. We will not click, sorry.

Main program language in our class is international English, and depending on the context, German. However, most courses outside of our class are held in German, for instance art history and philosophy courses and study workshops.

What the class offers

  • Common shared studio space
  • biweekly class meetings (seminar) with Hito and Francis
  • group consultations with Hito
  • tech-stack seminar for exploring new skills
  • individual consultations with Francis
  • biweekly theory reading and writing seminar with Francis
  • exhibition visits, artistic development sessions
  • conferences and evening lectures
  • student’s self-organized exhibitions (depends on the students)
  • collaboration with Volker Moellenhoff/AdBK media workshop
  • teachers are research active
  • students are asked to foster collaboration

Study Structure

The programme is directed towards a diploma in “Freie Kunst”, and takes 9 Semesters (Wintersemester October–April, Summersemester May–September).

The first year is a trial year concluding with an internal presentation.

The second year works towards a pre-diploma (an exhibition or presentation of a work, in front of an academic committee).

Main studies include the 3rd and 4th year. The 9th semester is dedicated to preparing the diploma presentation, to be accepted by an academic committee.

1 WSTrial period– Participation in class

Introduction Art History or Philosophy/ Aesthetic Theory I * Introduction to the Study Workshop 
2 SoSeTrial periodSpecialisation Art History or Philosophy/ Aesthetic Theory II * Study Workshop *    Presentation of artistic work
3 WSBasic studies 
4 SoSeBasic studiesPre-Diploma **
5 WSMain studies– Participation in class
– Seminar or Lecture in Art History *
– Seminar or Lecture in Philosophy/ Aesthetic Theory *
– Study
Workshop *
– Student exchange semester
6 SoSeMain studiesPresentation Colloquium or Annual Exhibition * 
7 WSMain studies  
8 SoSeMain studiesPresentation Colloquium or Annual Exhibition * 
9 WSMain studies Diploma **(only possible at the end of the winter semester)
* Proof is provided by signature in the study booklet
** Students apply for admission to the examinations independently at the Examinations Office and present the evidence there

Admission for Intermediate Diploma

  • Proof of artistic work in the class signed by supervising professor
  • Proof of participation in the study workshop in the study booklet + proof of 1 thesis that was produced in the study workshop
  • Proof of theory: Introductory course in the aesthetic, historical and philosophical reflection of art in the 1st semester
  • Proof of Theory II: combined specialization (seminar or lecture) in Art History or Philosophy/Aesthetic Theory in semesters 2-4

Admission for Diploma

  • Proof of 2 presentations in the main course of study (colloquium or annual exhibition)
  • Proof  of 1 seminar or lecture in art history in the main course of study
  • Proof of 1 seminar or lecture in Philosophy/Aesthetic Theory in the main course of study

Proof of 1 study workshop in the main course

Questions? Contact Francis Hunger