Lecture: Björn Ommer. Tue 11 June, 2024, 7 pm, Room E.O3.26 (Emergent Digital Media class), New Building, Academy of Fine Arts Munich
Since 2022, Stable Diffusion has become one of the most important generative models in the field of so-called artificial intelligence, alongside Midjourney and Open AI’s Dall‑E. Since Stable Diffusion aligns with the open source idea, it is fundamentally important as an image generation tool for artists. Stable Diffusion is being developed just a few metres away from the Academy of Fine Arts Munich, at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. Prof. Björn Ommer, is in conversation about the origins and future of Stable Diffusion, invited by the Class for Emergent Digital Media at the AdBK.
Professor Dr. Björn Ommer heads the Computer Vision & Learning Group at LMU Munich. His research interests include semantic image and video understanding based on machine learning, generative approaches for visual synthesis, explainable AI, and self-supervised learning paradigms and their interdisciplinary applications in the digital humanities and neurosciences. https://ommer-lab.com
Image Credits: (Rombach et al. 2022)