
  • Diploma Johannes Kiel

    Diploma Johannes Kiel

    AdBK München, room A.U1.12 (cel­lar)Opening: 6.2.2025 7 pmOpen: Fri, Mon, Tue 2 — 8 pm; Sat, Sun 12am — 8pmURL: Viral Infection: Lysogenic Data Cycle Viral Infection, a web-con­nect­ed inter­ac­tive robot­ics instal­la­tion, exam­ines the repro­duc­tive behav­iour of dig­i­tal frag­ments on the verge of embod­i­ment. Johannes Kiel explores how tech­nol­o­gy and auto­mat­ed algo­rithms affect the…

  • Dronomation


    Post-Civil Drones and Artificial ‚Intelligence‘ in War Zones December 3, 2024, on-line, 12.00–20.00 CET – Video doc­u­men­ta­tion of the talks appears in February/March 2025 – The one-day online con­fer­ence looks to present con­tem­po­rary cri­tiques of drone-tech­nolo­gies, their scop­ic regimes and increas­ing reliance on so-called AI sys­tems. Instead of fetishis­ing the pre­sumed auton­o­my of these weapons,…

  • If AI was the answer what was the question, again?

    If AI was the answer what was the question, again?

    Conference on Tue, Nov 5, 09–18 at AdBK Munich, Akademiestraße 2, Main Building, Central Lecture Hall, free admis­sion With: Elisa Giardina Papa, Orit Halpern, Francis Hunger, Vladan Joler, & Evelyn Kreutzer, Kevin B. Lee, RYBN, Felix Stalder, Hito Steyerl The polit­i­cal econ­o­my of AI impacts on both its gen­er­a­tive out­put as well as on art scenes and…

  • ROOT /ruːt/

    ROOT /ruːt/

    self-orga­nized exhi­bi­tion in the frame of the Jahressausstellung der AdBK München. indi­vid­ual works Arriving at crit­i­cal inquiry of one’s resource, ener­gy and raw mate­r­i­al con­sump­tion –par­tic­u­lar­ly in scope of the spec­u­la­tive dis­course encom­pass­ing new media tech­nol­o­gy, machine learn­ing and gen­er­a­tive process­es –has become a codex for curat­ing with the mul­ti-faceted nature of the term ‘root’.…

  • Stable Diffusion

    Stable Diffusion

    Lecture: Björn Ommer. Tue 11 June, 2024, 7 pm, Room E.O3.26 (Emergent Digital Media class), New Building, Academy of Fine Arts Munich Since 2022, Stable Diffusion has become one of the most impor­tant gen­er­a­tive mod­els in the field of so-called arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, along­side Midjourney and Open AI’s Dall‑E. Since Stable Diffusion aligns with the open…

  • The Opticality Unconscious

    The Opticality Unconscious

    Lecture by Amanda Wasielewski Tue May 28, 2024, 7pm, Room E.O2.29, Neubau, AdBK München Inspired by Rosalind Krauss’s book The Optical Unconscious, Amanda Wasielewskis lec­ture explores how a hybrid prac­tice of writ­ing and image cre­ation can shed light on the often-derid­ed stric­tures of mid-cen­tu­ry mod­ernism in New York, name­ly the ideas of opti­cal­i­ty and visu­al…

  • Dreamworlds of Platform Capitalism

    Dreamworlds of Platform Capitalism

    Synthetic Media in Networked Image Cultures Lecture by Roland Meyer Tue May 14, 2024, 7pm, Room E.O2.29, Neubau, AdBK München While the ini­tial hype sur­round­ing AI image syn­the­sis mod­els such as Dall‑E, Midjourney, or Stable Diffusion is fad­ing, their mas­sive impact on net­worked image cul­tures is becom­ing ever clear­er: Social media plat­forms are flood­ed with…